Call of Duty Warzone: First update for 2022 is here

WARZONE: Is VERDANSK COMING BACK? (Warzone Map Update) War zone receives the first update of the year: Raven software gives a new patch for download free. Throughout your website, the developers publish the patch notes and thus go to the changes and innovations. In the foreground of the update is a bug fix for a mistake that made players suddenly invisible. Reason was a mistake with the Awoken Skin for Francis, which can be unlocked at Level 100 of the Battle Pass. First reports already appeared in December, in the past few days the reports multiplied. Those who activated the skin was no longer visible to other players from a certain distance — just the mask was to see.

Bug fixes in the first patch 2022

With the new War zone update, the invisibility bug should belong to the past. In the Vanguard modes, in turn, the Fire sale Public-Event is to be active as long as the circle with which it starts. In addition, bug fixes for collision errors on caldera, which allowed players, for example, to flow through objects.

More updates in work

Individual exploits should also be closed with the update. In addition, after the patch, it should no longer happen that each Loadout drop always appears on the same XY coordinates. Further changes are not included in the update, but should follow over the coming weeks. The current update should only be one of many who will appear in the coming weeks for Call of Duty War zone (Buy Now €42,01).

From David Martin editor 06.01.2022 at 09:01 clock



1 2 Call of Duty War zone: First update for 2022 is there — this is in the new patch picture gallery for Call of Duty War zone: First Update for 2022 is there — that's in the new patch
