Saarbrückens 3G principle: patience, faith and galleness
In the end, the 1st FC Saarbrücken was still rewarded. Despite a counterpart after only 86 seconds, the team of coach Uwe Koschinat had remained with him, she had never put on, and she had gone to work after a weaker first half righthly to works.
Patience, faith and galleness: That was what Saarbrücken talked on Monday evening to a 2: 1 against the Würzburg Monday evenings. "For the truth, however, it also belongs that we had start-up difficulties," said Koschinat after the game at the magenta microfron.
What characterizes our team is to stay persistent.
Uwe Koschinat
His team had needed some time to find the game. Saarbrücken got into the backwards (2.), a good ten minutes later, the FCS could have gotten a second goal (13.). "Würzburg has played a very, very good first half - not like a descent candidate," said Koschinat, but then spoke a praise, but then his own players a praise: "What characterizes our team is to stay persistent. We were in the second Halftime handy and present. The 1: 1 was the logical consequence. "
First meets Zeitz, then Patzt Würzburg Bonmann
In fact, Saarbrücken increased after the break, Jalen Hawkins left a first good way (62nd), but then Captain Manuel Timetz hit a corner (68.). That it was even enough to three points in the end was at a capital error of Würzburg's goalkeeper Hendrik Bonmann (81.) - Nevertheless, the 2: 1 was also the product of the Saarbrück 3G principle.
After victory, Koschinats is eleven third. On Sunday, the next opponent is Wiesbaden. In the first leg, seven goals - with the worse end for FCS fell. At half-time, the Saarbrücker were 0: 4, after the break, they shortened gate over gate, too countable it was not enough in the end.
That was different after the residue on Monday evening. Thanks to patience, faith and gallery.
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