How to catch Iron Valiant in Scarlet and Purple Pokémon

Pokémon Scarlet and Purple presents Paradox Pokémon, which are basically forms of Pokemon of other periods of time. They can resemble some of the Pokemon that we already know and love, but also present some physical and key types. Here is how to catch Iron Valiant in Pokemon Scarlet and Purple.

Iron Valiant location in Scarlet and Purple Pokemon

Iron Valiant is only available in purple Pokemon, which means that Scarlet players will not have it except through trade. However, even for purple players, reaching the location of Iron Valiant can be a discomfort.

Before entering the subject, you must have exceeded the three paths of history in Pokemon Purple to access the zero area and the great crater, which is the area after the game for Scarlet and Purple. Once you have done that, you can reach the specific location where Iron Valiant is generated.

  • From the bottom of the great crater, look for the big cave.

If you have already explored the area thoroughly, you can go directly to Research Station 3 without having to go down again.

  • Low on the way right to the left of the entrance of the cave.

  • Follow the way until you are under some rocks and look for great rock formation next to the road, to the left of the giant tree.

  • Go through the small opening through rock formation to find another cave.

  • Follow straight to the waterfall until you reach a piece of grass, and you will begin to meet Iron Valiant here.

And that does it for how to find and catch Iron Valiant in Pokemon Scarlet and Purple. Be sure to look for to get more tips and information about the game, including how to verify the IV, raise Pokemon and hatch eggs.


Image source: The Pokémon Company through Techno Trainer

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