How to defeat the leader of the Star Penny team in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

To complete the storyline of the Star fall Streets Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, the players will have to fight the leader, Penny. For the battle, it is recommended that the Pokémon be pumped to the 63rd level and already collect eight signs of the gym. If the players get to the battle at higher levels than 70, the battle will be easy, but with any level below it is important to have a good team. This is all that players need to know about the final battle in the storyline Star fall Street in the game Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

How to defeat Penny (boss of the team leader) in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Penny will have a full team of six Pokémon, and during the battle a lot of switching may be required. While the players have good counters for each Pokémon, the battle can be made very light. By this point, it is recommended that the game is already winning the dragon titanium before taking up the end of the storyline of the Star fall Street. This is the whole team of Penny:

  • Level 62 Ambreon-pure darkness, weak against the battle, fairies and beetle with a dark pulse, psyche, quick attack and eyes of the doll.
  • Level 62 Flareon-clean fire, weak for water, stone and earth using Flare Blitz, Fire Spin, Quick Attack and Baby Doll Eyes.
  • Northern level 62-Pure Electric, weak to Earth using Thunder, Pin Missile, Quick Attack and Baby Doll Eyes.
  • Level 62 Vapor eon is a pure water, weak against grass and electricity with a hydraulic pump, a ray of polar radiance, a quick attack and the eyes of a doll.


  • 62 Life on level-clean grass, weak to fire, flight, poison, ice and an insect with a leaf blade, X-Nozhnitsa, a quick attack and the eyes of the doll.
  • Level 63 Sylvan is a pure fairy with the type of Fairy Term, weak to poison and became with a lunar explosion, a shadow ball, a quick attack and the eyes of a doll.

Related: how to turn IVI into Sylvan into Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

The battle will not be too complicated if the players bring the right chips for each Pokémon in the Penny team, because their set of movements is not very diverse. Aaron and Vapor eon have high characteristics of special protection, and they are easier to defeat physical techniques. The only thing that can stop this is the use of a doll with each Pokémon to reduce the target of the target. Northern is the fastest Pokémon in the Penny team, but it does not matter if the players have only a type of land that they can switch to. Flare Blitz Flatiron and Leaf Blade Life on will cause a lot of harm, so take a Pokémon with high protection or strong Pokémon with a high speed that can kill them with one blow. For Sylvan, any steel-type Pokémon can defeat it without any problems.

To find out how to get some Evolutions for yourself, read the section How to turn Eleven into Esp eon in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet in Pro Guides.
